So its been a while now since I last wrote. Skye is a big ol whoppin 9 month old baby now. ! Can you say WOW?! Time goes by so quickly. Some days have felt so very long, but when you look back all of those days it all seems to have whizzed by too quickly. She is such an affectionate action loving girl. During the day she wants to keep you on your toes and get into everything and make lots of noises and come tug on your leg to keep your attention, and when she's tired she just wants to cuddle and hug you (fav sleeping spot is ON you, any way any how. once she had rolled away from me in her sleep, but came wiggling back to the part of my body that was closest to her which happened to be my hand. she snuggled up on my hand and rested her head on it and fell back asleep.) And she says dada and mama and dog and goes RRRRR when you tell her "tiger". She opens her mouth when I get her baby toothbrush out (four teeth now!) so she's all ready to brush, and loves being licked to death by her cousin's dogs. She loves to eat. Oh boy that girl. She will come to you if you have food and stay there until she is satisfied, or until you run out. I know she is definately our child when I see her love for eating!
Life is a hot mess. Lol. I've been hearing that a lot lately and it so fits my life. Its like, oh ah no yes up down side to side craziness. But God is taking care of it all and I trust that we are being looked out for. And I hope he keeps sustaining me because I am going to definately need it-trying to finish school and make ends meet and learning to be happy every day.
Hugs and smiles to everyone!
1 comment:
I want to hear her talk!! Hope I can come visit again soon :) Maybe first week of May??
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