Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cheesy but, yes "the start of a new beginning."

So, as my life is in the middle of change, I decided I wanted to start this blog to keep you posted, to keep my own mind recorded somewhere, and to share it if you care to know. I guess I'll say this now, but forgive me because 1) I know I am inconsistent. 2) I am vague and not particularly good with words and 3) feelings=my life. So I'll try as much as possible to be concrete and share what's been going on in my life, in terms of, I'm moving here, going there, I've done this and that, but most times, my "i want to write!" moments come out of strong emotions and philosophical ponderings and questions about life.

Anyways, right now, I am basically a フリーター, just working everyday, kinda long days sometimes, but its better than sitting around at home (yes daddy I know there is much to do at home as well) for me. Although it feels great, GREAT I tell you! to be out of nasty high heels. I know all you females out there go through the same thing but those things are painful! And in Tokyo its not all about travelling around in cars. Standing all the way on the train to work, walking to work, walking from work, walking walking walking. Walking at home in the dark, crazy lady screaming on the street to "you get out, get out!" (where?), sad lady talking to herself quietly, police men stopping me, telling me to keep my cell phone in my pocket in case, ambulances passing by, the rain pouring down (but now they have umbrellas at the station for the elderly to borrow, and return in two days. thats nice of the city.) I sometimes wonder why people were put on this earth to have to go through a joyless life. And end up crazy depressed, crazy hopeless, crazy bored. We should go the other way crazy, the good crazy, and maybe we can do something for all the crazies in the world.

Back to work, where I shred papers like crazy and make friends with the copy machine. Right now I'm working at pricewaterhousecoopers. For any accountants out there, its a great place to work! People are friendly and the atmosphere is relaxed, well it does get a little static during busy season. But otherwise its alright. And I teach english 3 times a week. And I go to hula and singing lessons when I can. Right now I have no time to practice so I haven't gone in a while. I'm also getting things slowly set with the move over to California, buying my ticket, taking care of money issues here, address changes, dentist appointments, skin doctors, yada yada. I dont realize how soon June 27th is going to come. Shit. Kinda scared to know that I have much to do to leave, and then to be on my own. I know many of you have already gone through that and maybe it isn't so bad.

I'll start today by tagging all my old stuff for the thrift shop at the end of the month I suppose. Do any of you need some used shoes, books, expired taco seasoning, or whitie tighties? Let me know.

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